Will My Land Work for a Solar Array?

#Solar #SolarField #PaidbySolar

How do I know if my land can be leased for solar? 

There are a core set of conditions that must be met for us to consider a property for a solar array. 

  • Favorable zoning based on the local guidelines. 

  • Need to be located relatively close (within 3-5 miles) to an existing substation with available capacity

  • Close to 3-phase power lines

  • Outside of the FEMA 100-year floodplain

  • No major wetlands that would prohibit across the project area

  • A sizable area of at least 4 acres that is relatively flat 

  • Not too steep or north-facing.

If all of these conditions are met then we can move forward with the rest of our due diligence necessary to obtain a land use permit and develop the project. 

If you or someone you know owns land that meets these criteria, please reach out and we will be happy to take a closer look to see if the property would be a good fit for us.


Benefits of Leasing your land to a Solar Developer